One thing you enjoy doing when you get older is reminiscing over things that aren't there anymore. One fun way of getting through this is a quiz. I lived in Colton from 1966 through 1976. I remained in the area (family moved to Rialto) until going to college in Tennessee (returning periodically) and finally enlisting in the Army as a musician in 1979.
If you live in the Riverside-San Bernardino area, take this quiz. I haven't been around for almost three years now. But the answers to this quiz haven't changed. Enjoy. Post your responses as comments here.
If you live in the Riverside-San Bernardino area, take this quiz. I haven't been around for almost three years now. But the answers to this quiz haven't changed. Enjoy. Post your responses as comments here.
- What are the specific official colors of Colton High School?
- What were the names of the two junior high schools that were replaced by Colton Junior High School in 1954?
- Who was Isaac "Cristobal" Slover?
- What was the name of the Colton Airport? Where was it? Which airline made regular stops there?
- Name the Chevrolet and Dodge dealers which used to be in downtown Colton. The Chevy place moved north (onto La Cadena Avenue) with downtown redevelopment and the Dodge dealership closed after its owner died of a heart attack.
- What was the former nickname of Colton? It has something to do with the shape of Colton City Hall (formerly Colton Civic Center) as seen from the air.
- What were the names of the two Southern Pacific passenger trains that stopped in Colton? Can you also name the two Union Pacific passenger trains and the one Santa Fe train that stopped in Colton during the 1960s?
- What were the five route numbers of the two highways that crossed in Colton before the freeways were built?
- What does joint mean in Colton Joint Unified School District?
- Before Bloomington High School was built, high school students in Bloomington went to Colton Union High School (having more than one high school meant that Colton was no longer a one high school high school district, the "union" was dropped, and the high school district subsequently "unified" with the elementary districts in Colton, Bloomington, and Grand Terrace.) Before Eisenhower High School was built in 1958, where did high school students in Rialto go to school?
- Name a dairy located in Colton. It was actually outside the city limits on Cypress Avenue.
- What was the major chain supermarket at the Mount Vernon Shopping Center? What about the major supermarket at the Rancho Vista Shopping Center (Rancho Avenue and Mill Street, next to the T.G.&Y.)?
- What was the name of the coffee shop located in front of the old Stater Brothers supermarket on I Street (later Valley Boulevard)?
- What were the names of the Stater brothers?
- Name a popular 1960s songwriter who graduated from Colton High School. His father had been the pastor at the First Southern Baptist Church (now Sierra Vista Baptist Church).
- For whom was Colton named?
- How did the Colton High School Yellow Jackets get their nickname in the late 1920s? What was the schools nickname previous to this?
- Name the original members of the old high school Citrus Belt League. When they were built in the 1950s, Pacific (San Bernardino) and Fontana were added to this group.
- For what professional sports team did Kenny Hubbs play?
- Name a current celebrity who graduated from Colton High School. (Not me.)
- Where was the first Stater Brothers market?
- Name a former Colton High School student who played professional football, then returned to the school to teach English.
- What were the three brands of fuel sold by Ray Phillips Truck Stop?
- What was the name of the hamburger stand across the street from Colton Union High School (corner of Third and I Streets)?
- What was the original name of La Cadena Drive in Riverside?