Minnie Pearl's Roast Beef/Minnie Pearl's Fried Chicken - - Now you can have a choice - - good thing there's a McDonald's next door!

Pontiac Motor Division of General Motors - - Makers of the Aztek minivan. Chrysler wouldn't dare make a car this unique!

Gemco Membership Department Stores - - Our lifetime membership is the best deal there is!

Colton Movieland Frontier Town - - Live Western gunfights every weekend...

Thriftimart Supermarkets - - Every day's a special day at Thriftimart!

Continental Trailways - - You have a choice. You don't have to go to the dogs.

Needles Police Department - - The most isolated municipal law enforcement authority in the conterminous United States...

Maytime Band Review - - May is the best time for a band parade.

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner - - L.A.'s afternoon paper. A Hearst Publication. With the Puck Comic Weekly every Sunday. Still only 10 cents daily, 50 cents on Sunday.

PeoplExpress (People Express) - - Fly to Newark for only $29.99 and up, one-way, from LAX.

Jerseymaid Milk - "All us cows do our best for Jerseymaid!"

Riverside General Hospital - - One of the largest teaching hospitals in the country. Now a Lowes Hardware Store!

Security Pacific National Bank - - Formerly Security First National Bank.

Instant Postum - - The hot drink Mormons have for breakfast. (Yes, I know it's been off the market since 2008... everything on this list is defunct...)

Brew 102 - - Now beer drinkers can enjoy their favorite beverage for the price of a soft drink!

KCHU-TV, Channel 18, San Bernardino - - San Bernardino's first and only commercial TV station. Located in the old Fox Theatre on Court Street downtown. Owned by the Sun-Telegram.

Mode O' Day - - Women, you can look just like your grandmother dressed 48 years ago for about the same price.

Santa's Village - - Santa doesn't live at the North Pole. He lives in nearby Skyforest.

Mission Pak Fruit Baskets - - Send fresh California fruit to the friends and family back east (offer not available in Arizona).

Apple ][e Computer - - Get lightning fast speed and a huge disk to store your stuff! At just under $3,000! Very affordable!

93 KHJ Boss Radio - - Listen to the Real Don Steele, Sam Riddle, Gary Mack, Robert W. Morgan and all the other jocks, playing the best music in Los Angeles.